the challenges of choosing a career

“Don’t confuse having a career with having a life.” – Hillary Clinton.

In this world, when you are born you get the most love and pampering by everyone around you. Eventually you grow up and at the age of 10, the Indian kids “typically” think of becoming an engineer, astronaut , doctor etc. These professions are most likely told to us by our parents or relatives as they feel this is the best and safest career option. Some kids like me who play sports at that time think of becoming a cricketer or footballer. Not to mention that they are also good careers but 90% of us change our thoughts as we slowly move towards high school. Personally to me, high school has been a full of roller coaster, as it had its own ups and downs but the fact about the this blog is about career confusion.

As we enter high school, we suddenly get detached from being that kid who was living his stress-free life into some serious person. We get to know that a ocean full of careers exist and not just the 4-5 careers told to us and now we are just in complete mess. First barrier that comes to us is choosing streams between Science, Commerce and Arts/Humanities.

After choosing what stream and future we are seeing, we start our journey.

We are just searching and finding our passion and interests in careers for what we can achieve and do, as choosing something which doesn’t seem to excite you shouldn’t be taken. This goes on for like endless hours, days and weeks before we can actually come to an conclusion. We have been given a huge responsibility on our shoulders to think of our future and our face is just completely blank. How can we choose a career which we are gonna stick to for the rest of our lives. Man we just became high schoolers to pass out from school in a few months and got us little time to enjoy with our friends and and we are just diving into the ocean with no aim and finding our purpose but with no oxygen.

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